Parent Activity Group

PAG exists to help foster and build an inclusive community. We are dedicated to supporting our children, our teachers, our families, and our administration.

PAG’s mission is fourfold:


We serve as a resource for the children at Lefferts Gardens Montessori by facilitating enrichment activities and helping to organize class trips.


We serve as a resource for the parents by providing support and facilitating a forum to positively and constructively discuss the learning environment of Lefferts Gardens Montessori.


We act as a collaborative and positive resource for the teachers by supporting classroom and extracurricular activities and relaying parents’ ideas to the staff.


We are community builders. PAG works to foster a sense of community among Lefferts Gardens Montessori families by organizing and promoting family-friendly events and activities.

2024-2025 Board Members


Jennie Goldstein


Danette Waite


Shahiba Olgivie


Anthony Chiarito


Karlene Dennis


What has PAG accomplished?

Fundraising is a main vehicle through which PAG supports the school community of Lefferts Gardens Montessori preschool and elementary (LGM/LGME). In addition to contributing to and covering expenses for various events, the majority of funds raised by PAG are donated to LGM/LGME for specific school-related projects selected by the school's administration.

A major project that PAG supported in the 2016-17 school year was the creation of the school-wide library.